Parish News

Local Parish News

Moore Parish Council have purchased 20 Lamp Post Poppies from the Royal British Legion this year and have sited them around the village in recognition and honour of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Lest we forget

Other News

South Warrington Parishes (SWP)

The South Warrington Parishes group comprises of 5 Parishes within Warrington Borough and Moore Parish Council (Halton )

SWP has now held the two Zoom meetings regarding an alternative local plan for Warrington.

The group of Councillors is now asking each parish to publish the supporting documents on their websites including:

  1. Executive Summary

  2. Full SWP Report

  3. Key Observations

All documents are below..

SWP Local Plan Exec Summary Sept 2020.pdf
SWP Local Plan Report Sept 2020 .pdf
SWP Key Observations Local Plan Sept 2020.pdf